
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Baby Pictures With My Sis

I haven't posted in a while, because I've been super busy.  But this past weekend, my sister came over to the midwest from New York, so I got to hang out with her some.  She's awesome and I love her.  So here are some baby pictures that she (and my mom) found of us when we were tiny little wild children.

(I don't know what kind of weird science experiment I'm trying to do to my poor helpless baby sister in the top picture, but it looks like she is terrified and I'm about to have some fun.  Actually, that pretty much sums up our childhood.)

(But I didn't just torture my sister, sometimes I actually showed affection...)

(And taught her how to hold things with her tiny baby hands...)

(And made her suffer through my adventures.  Look at her expression... I've seen that expression on her face many, many times.)

(And horrified her, apparently.  I'm not sure why she's horrified in this picture, but I look happy about it, whatever it is.)

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