
Friday, July 7, 2017

Epic Barbarian Bedhead

In the interest of making fun of myself (to be fair that's pretty much all I do these days- I do have plenty of material to work with), every once in a while I'll snap a quick photo of myself in the morning. Why? To capture the truly one of a kind artistic creations that I apparently create every night due to my tossing and turning. That's right- I'm talking about bedhead.

 (This is one of my morning masterpieces.)

(This is another. Trust me, despite appearances, there are no wild creatures living in my hair... other than myself.)

Why is my hair so fucking crazy? I don't know. It could be because it's thick. It could be because when I sleep I resemble a log rolling down a hill. Or it could just be that my hair has decided to match my personality completely and just does whatever the fuck it wants. Like my life, the result is usually chaos and tangled messes and the inability to see where I'm going.

(I did manage to find my glasses- yay me!)

(On the other hand do I really want to see what I look like in the morning???)

There are some occasions where I sleep like a normal person. Those occasions are rare and should be commemorated in a photo.

(Whose bright idea was it to take a picture while I was sleeping? Nevermind, let's move on.)

Other times... well, I found this gem in my IPod camera... It should accurately illustrate how my hair gets the way it does every morning.

(Apparently WildGirl found my IPod while VikingDad and I were napping and snapped a few pictures.)

(This is what happens when your 6 year old finds the camera while you're sleeping. Just so you are aware. I have 134 similar pictures on my IPod now...)

It's a good thing the "messy hair" look is in.

(But maybe I've taken it a little too far???)

You don't want to know how long it took me to comb that out. Combing my hair is an adventure sometimes.

(This picture was taken at 3:30AM as I was getting ready for work. To be fair, no one looks dazzling at 3:30AM.)

(I get bedhead when I have long hair or short, it doesn't matter.)

(Although the shorter hair is easier to comb out, so there's that.)

Well I hope you've enjoyed looking at some samples of epic bedhead. They truly are artistic creations, don't you think? At least that's what I tell myself whenever I get a comb stuck in my hair.

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