
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

A Shit-tastic Day

This is the first of a couple shit-tastic days I've had recently. 

Gather 'round children, as I relate a tale of horror and sorrow!

The date was October 5th.  I rushed frantically about the house, as I usually do, getting the children ready for school, little knowing the horror that would be unleashed as soon as I got the children on their school bus.  Going back to the house, I tried to start some laundry, but lo! and behold! the washer filled up with water, but alas! would not drain.

So I called my faithful husband to go down and fix it.  Foolishly, I thought to myself that the drain was probably just clogged.

Instead, the whole washer had to be taken apart.  That day, I was supposed to meet with Dreyaka's case worker to discuss her therapy benefits, so I was rushing around trying to get the kitchen table cleared off so we would have a place to sit and talk without having to shout to each other over a heaping mound of debris.

(It looked like this, only worse.)

Also, VikingDad had to rush off to work soon, so he was understandably frustrated with how this was going.  He asked me to help him, nicely, in a very polite and considerate tone. 
Just kidding. 
He yelled, "COME AND HELP ME."  And, as an afterthought, "PLEASE!"

(VikingDad yelling "PLEASE!")

So I went to help him, and we discovered the inside of the washer was full of.... SLUDGE!  (Dun dun duuunnnnn)  Not more sludge!  I had thought we cleaned and scrubbed the last of it from our house.  Alas!  It was invading the washer.  So I got out my cleaning gloves and got to work while VikingDad rushed off to his place of employment.  I cleaned and I scrubbed, scooped handfuls of sludge out, and also cleaned the floor in the laundry room because it was filthy and I can't get to that part of the house with the washer in the way.  With the washer out of the way, I was able to see exactly how filthy it had become.  (Far too filthy to take a picture.  It would burn out your eyeballs.)

After I had bleached everything (including myself- that stung a bit), I went out to the kitchen to get a snack, only to be met with this.

(Just kidding- it wasn't quite that bad, but it was alarmingly flooded.)

So, I grabbed our last remaining towels and sopped up the huge mess, putting the towels in the laundry basket that I had to put on the treadmill because the washer was in pieces in the laundry room.  At this point, this was my expression:


It turns out one of the pipes under the sink came completely off while the dishwasher was running (it's a portable one so it uses the sink to run).  Hence, flooded kitchen. 

At that point, the social worker was going to be at the house in 40 minutes, and I was covered in sludge and bleach and the whole house smelled like sludge and bleach.

So I rushed off to take a shower, light some incense to clear out the smell, and do my best to make a bad, rushed situation look presentable.  When the social worker drove up, I met her like this:

("I'm fine!  No really, I am!")

Thankfully, she was a very understanding person.  We had a good meeting, and then I had to rush off to get WildGirl to therapy, get groceries, and get livestock feed.  It was super hectic, but the good news is that I ended the day with Jujitsu class, which always makes me happy.


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