
Friday, January 13, 2017

New Car and No Teeth

It's been an eventful week.  Let me catch you up.

Last week's Friday, VikingPrincess got her wisdom teeth out.  I spent the morning slightly concerned, and she spent the morning very anxious.  She texted me saying how she hated needles and how hungry she was (She was not allowed to eat or drink for 6 hours before the procedure.  Supposedly it's so she doesn't throw up under anesthesia and die, but we all know it's because doctors and dentists are sadists).  To be honest, I don't really know how to handle anxiety.  VikingPrincess has anxiety, and sometime panic attacks.  To be fair, we all freak out.  Every one of us on earth has probably had a freak-out at some point in our lives.  Mine are usually because I have to do too many things at once, so the anxiety doesn't go away until I stop having too many things to do at once.  But I've never been doing a relaxing thing and suddenly had an anxiety attack, save the summer after WildGirl drowned and was revived, and I got through that by first distracting myself, then going through the memory gently until it just became a regular memory and not a flashback.  But I don't really know how to handle regular anxiety, because I just don't feel that anxious on a regular basis- I don't intuitively know anything that works for a problem I don't really have.  So I told her everything will be OK, it won't be that bad, etc...

 (Is that even helpful?  I don't really know!)

I recently read that controlling your heartbeat is key, so I gave her some suggestions on how to do that.  Not in a "I know what I'm doing" way, because I don't.  I don't know what I'm doing.  Ever.

Anyway, the procedure went fine, and VikingPrincess came home blurry and in pain and ended up sleeping and wandering around and eating soft things for the better part of the week.
(This was her expression the whole week.)

I made her soft things to eat (like kitten hearts and puree'd puppies) for a couple days after, because I'm a good step-mom like that.

On Saturday, VikingLad and I went down to Southern MN to buy a car from my parents.  VikingLad has been bothering me about a car ever since he got his driver's license.  Since I'll be going back to college (yikes!) in the fall, I figured I would need a driving-around-campus car, instead of the driving-around-the-farm car that I have now.  So, we came up with the arrangement that I would buy my parent's Subaru and VikingLad would drive the Highlander.  So, I got a new (used) car!  It has a laundry list of things that need fixing, but I bought it for $500 so what can you expect?  The rear wheel bearing needs to be replaced, so it makes a scratchy "wubba wubba" sound.  My sister thought it sounded like Sebulba's podracer, so it has been affectionately dubbed the "Sebulba car".

(Sebulba, from Star Wars Episode I)

It's green, and it runs, and it has better gas mileage than the Highlander, so I'm happy with it.

(The Sebulba Car)

So, Monday we got a lot of snow.  VikingDad took a day off work because I accidentally forgot to put the chain in the Sebulba car, VikingLad took the Highlander, and VikingDad's car needs to be pull-started in the winter.  So, I had no way to pull-start his car, so he had no way to get to work.  Ooops.  This is the crux of my life: trying to anticipate all 6 people's needs and organize our lives in order to meet those needs.  This is a great job to give to someone who has ADHD.


Despite this fuck up, my day was a hugely productive one.  I went to the DMV...

(Which we all know is run by sloths)

Got my title, license plates, transferred the Sebulba car to my insurance, called the car repair place to confirm appointments for both stepkids to get new tires on their cars, picked up the new Dropkick Murphys CD...

Dropped the library books off at the library, and then came home.  THEN, I uploaded the new CD (and some of my old ones) onto iTunes, and then filled out my motherfucking FAFSA.  Then, it was lunch time.

Oh yeah.  Adulting.

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