
Friday, August 26, 2016

Sad Barbarian Is Sad

Barbarian Mom is sad today.  Yesterday I was informed that WEAP will no longer be covering WildGirl's ABA therapy (an intensive in-home therapy that teaches daily living skills to kids with autism). 

At first, I was all
(WTF is happening???)

Then I was all
(This makes no sense.  Explain.)

So they explained that the changed in their program require them to drop most school-aged children because they are focusing on pre-school and early intervention skills.

After that, I was all
(Which really doesn't make any sense, as barbarians are not, as a whole, calm people.)

But I was calm... idiotically so, as I thought I had options.  Silly me.  I figured I would just switch ABA providers to someone who does work with school-aged children.

I forgot that I live in Butt Fucking Egypt (i.e. Rural Wisconsin).  Many, many google searches later revealed only expired links, "page coming soon", and providers that either only work with 0-4 year olds or are outside my area, or both.  On the surface, there are options.  There are quite a few links on Autism Speaks.  But the links lead to barren deserts within the internet where only death and loneliness dwell.

I wrote a bunch of reasons why my child NEEDS ABA (the reasons are myriad), in case someone tries to question why she needs it, and to start on the many rehearsed speeches I'm giving to my school in my head, trying to mentally convince them to pay for ABA in school (an unlikely prospect).  So far, my arguments are stressing me out, and basically amount to

I also have to talk to my county worker, but she is on vacation until the I.E.P meeting.  Maybe she'll attend the I.E.P meeting with me, maybe not.  Maybe there are options that I have not been able to find on google. 

In the meantime, Barbarian Mom is seriously stressed the fuck out.  I may be panicking a little.

(Just a little.)

At least I'll have plenty of time to dwell on Everything Falling Apart, as I have to get up at 3:30AM for work tomorrow.
(Sorry I can't end on a positive note, but I really don't give a shit if every article you read has to have a ray of fucking sunshine at the end.)

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