
Thursday, August 4, 2016

What Is A Barbarian?

Hello!  My name is BarbarianMom.  I live in the country with my husband, VikingDad.  We have 4 kids and lots of assorted critters.  If you're reading this, you must be wondering what it's like to be a Barbarian Mom.  It's EPIC!

You may be wondering, What IS a Barbarian?
Well, historically, barbarians were just foreigners that no one could understand.  But, since that's lame, I'm going to go with the more exciting definition- barbarians are epic unbreakable warriors that wield fierce weapons, act uncivilized, cause mayhem, defeat their enemies, and have a riotously fun time.  Think Viking berserkers only with more blood spurting everywhere.  If you play D&D, Pathfinder, or other tabletop roleplaying games, you understand the awesomeness that is the Barbarian Class.  If not, you will soon learn exactly what it means (sometimes in horrifying detail).  And, just in case anyone wants to emulate my awesomeness and become a barbarian parent themselves, I often give tips and tricks on how you, too, can bring barbarian ways into your life.

Disclaimer: Contains profanity and adult content.  I exaggerate for the sake of humor, which means that no, I do not, in real life, go ripping out people's spleens for looking at me wrong (just in case you were wondering).  The stories I tell you are true, but have been greatly exaggerated.

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